Author: uzmaumar

Adobe Reader

PDF Editor

How You Can Edit PDF Files Are you trying to modify PDF file but are you know this is not very easy as you think. PDF files are not like text files you [...]

Adobe Reader Lite

Adobe Reader Lite Every advance version software have more options for user. But every user not use all options available in software. Same case we can see [...]

Pdf to Doc Converter

How to convert pdf file into doc file. This is really a big issue to open pdf files with out pdf reader.  If some body have not installed pdf reader he [...]

PDF Full Screen In Adobe Reader

Full Screen option very easily to use in adobe acrobat reader. Full screen option allows to reader, view Pdf files on full screen of his/her monitor. How [...]

Adobe Reader Auto Scrolling

Automatic scrolling is advance download tool in adobe reader. Users can read PDF file using adobe reader easily by auto scrolling tool. It’s really a good [...]

Repiar Adobe Reader Installation

Some time computer application not works as you want. It’s happened when a problem comes in computer software. You can also face this type of problems in [...]

How to Purchase Adobe Acrobat From Adobe Reader 10

Some time you will feel adobe reader is not enough for  your work. If you want to buy adobe acrobat then you can purchase it from adobe reader 10.  Adobe [...]

How You Can Enable Commenting in Adobe Reader

How You Can Enable Comments Option in Adobe Reader 10 or Adobe Reader 9 Yes! You can enable comments option in adobe reader 9 with few clicks. Commenting [...]

How can you create an object in Adobe Acrobat Pro

How can you create an object in Adobe Acrobat pro, Like Link, form filed or image can b add with appropriate tool, or you can select with object tool. Touch [...]

How You Can Organize PDF Files In Adobe Reader

Free Organizer Tool In Adobe Acrobat Reader Many people don't know about "Organizer" function in adobe reader.  This is free file browser and manager [...]

Adobe Reader